Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Last Saturday it was the Edinburgh Tattoo. Moira had booked seats as far back as January so we were glad that we were able to fit it in before heading for Cardiff and our next grandchild. The previous years that we have visited the tattoo the weather has been warm and dry. This year was the exception, it rained. We had planned to leave early and have a day in the city looking at the buskers, jugglers and magicians advertising their shows in the Fringe.  The rain started mid-morning and we postponed leaving until after lunch. The rain got heavier us Moira drove through to the capital. Luckily when we got there the rain had eased and we were able to walk up the Royal Mile and around the Grassmarket. When the rain came on again we made for Pizza Hut for dinner and shelter.

The rain cleared as we made our way up to the Castle for the show. We had seats near the Castle entrance and up at the back which gave us a great view over the whole esplanade. This year it was predominately bands: from New Zealand, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago and closer to home, the Royal Marines and the kilted pipe bands. It was a very enjoyable night and finished in the traditional way with the piper high on the ramparts, the last post and Auld Lang Syne. The pipe bands as they left playing the Black Bear went into the Castle to prepare for the next performance this evening instead of marching down High St.

It was the usual bottleneck getting down from our seats at the top of the banking and then out of the front gate. Fortunately the rain had cleared and the sky in the west was looking brighter as the sun began to set. The weather had held up to allow the fireworks to be set off near the end of the tattoo and it was magnificent.


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